This weblog explores asemic writing in relation to post-literate culture
Friday, August 31, 2018
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Asemic Writing in Fine Art by Konstantinas Žardalevičius
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Monday, August 27, 2018
Now there are 8 Titles from Post-Asemic Press! FALSE FICTION FRACTURED FACT ALTERED by Marilyn R. Rosenberg will be released on October 3rd, 2018
With the publication of Marilyn R. Rosenberg's FALSE FICTION FRACTURED FACT ALTERED, there will be 8 titles available from Post-Asemic Press. Expect the release of FFFFA this October 3rd 2018. Click on the following links for more information on the particular PAP title.
- 100 Hybrids by Jefferson Hansen
- Artefacts by O Mayeux
- Translating Paint by Anneke Baeten
- Codex Abyssus by Volodymyr Bilyk
- Zinc Zanc Zunc: An Asemic Conjugation by Rosaire Appel
- Unknown Message by Spencer Selby
- Works & Interviews by Michael Jacobson
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PAP Scribal Family Silent Movie Portrait |
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Here are three sample pages from FALSE FICTION FRACTURED FACT ALTERED by Marilyn R. Rosenberg | Post-Asemic Press #008
FALSE FICTION FRACTURED FACT ALTERED by Marilyn R. Rosenberg, a work of asemic abstract calligraphy, will be available for purchase on October 3rd from Amazon. Click here for more info:
"A dynamic and liberating journey that takes us far beyond the neat and disciplined ranks of book typography into the unknown."
Friday, August 24, 2018
100 Hybrids by Jefferson Hansen Book Release Reading, at Boneshaker Books in Minneapolis, on September 22nd from 6pm - 7pm
Please join us for an evening of poetry and asemic writing. Jeff will be reading from his new book 100 Hybrids. His book plus other Post-Asemic Press titles will be available for purchase. A few other local poets will also read.
Click here for more info:¬if_id=1534938110935778
Click here for more info:¬if_id=1534938110935778
Saturday, September 22 at 6 PM - 7 PM
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Friday, August 17, 2018
Thursday, August 16, 2018
FALSE FICTION FRACTURED FACT ALTERED by Marilyn R. Rosenberg coming out this Fall 2018! Post-Asemic Press #008
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Cover Art |
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Sample page |
About this work-.
The False Fiction Fractured Fact series started in 2001 with a
diary/journal of 219 pages. Worked on throughout the blank bound
purchased book pages in and out of order, MRR often returned to pages
and to work on them again, as she still does in other new
bookworks/artists' books. Related, are False Fiction Fractured Fact- THE
OTHER SIDE, in 2008, a visual/asemic poem published 2009, on Michael
Jacobson's’ web/ blog .
There is False Fiction Fractured Fact: take it with you, 2008 at
And other works, including an asemic computer collage, False Fiction Fractured Fact: THE OTHER SIDE in 2008, on
Concept started here with a new irritation, a bite of memory, and a
triggered reference as a glimpse, with a ghost of an old idea. FICTION FRACTURED FACT ALTERED
can be read, continuing in both directions, and so has two beginnings
and possibly no end, spiraling around, as do most of MRR’s bookworks,
and can be read in more than one direction. So seeing is both forward and backward, up, down and around.
Broken unity, and hesitations in continuity, are so often concretely expressed by the fragmented circle. But, the complete circle does convey the absence of interruption, and many circles, whole and part circles are here. There are fish in various places, which for decades are the metaphors for groups, family or specific personalities. The name of a fish, the type of fish, gives the clue to its reason for being in the space it occupies.
Calligraphic marks can recount one side of abstract conversations. Sometimes
the open folio is one thought, but most often the facing pages are in
dialogue, sometimes in heated contrast and possibly interacting or
playing with the pages before and those pages ahead. Calligraphic drawing marks, indecipherable language, Ideogrammatic language, asemic poetry, is the language without known language, before written language, the language beyond any language. Varieties of Ideogram languages/ asemic narratives, tell abstract stories, of course. Interacting within themselves and with the viewer/reader, the pages do ask- are we filled with drawings or poems? Altered
and added marks, layered, have hints of depth, space, and sometimes of
darkness. Images of objects, and new marks together with those from this
earlier series, develop new groups of visual and asemic
poems/drawings. 2018 computer collages are 90, or so, pages in this edition artists' book -
BRIEF BIO - Marilyn R. Rosenberg
in Philadelphia Pa, MRR is second generation in the USA and all of her
family came from the Ukraine while it was under Russian rule. She and
Bob have two daughters, 5 grand sons and one grand daughter. Through the
years MRR has had a varied education, then in 1978, a Bachelor of
Professional Studies in Studio Arts at Empire State College, State U of
NY. In 1993 MRR graduated with a Master of Arts in Liberal Studies from
the Graduate School of Arts and Science, New York University, NY, NY.
R. Rosenberg, as usual, with actual and virtual collage, with pen and
brush, stencils, ink, and gouache is making unique and edition images
often in bookworks or artists' books. And using the mouse, the Mac, and
scanner MRR makes marks, images and words. Since 1977 MRR has been in
some one person exhibitions and very many international group exhibits.
MRR’s works are part of early mail art, and in current interactions.
Ongoing MRR makes artists’ stamps, bookmarks, artists’ books, visual and
asemic poetry. A small percentage are created with collaborators. Many
unique sculptural bookworks, and published edition works, and works in
catalogs, zines and anthologies can be found in university, college and
museum library collections.
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Monday, August 13, 2018
A review of Michael Jacobson's Works & Interviews by Federico Federici
The first three sections challenge the reader to enter a net of finely entangled patterns and explore the residual signs of plots, which the paranoid characters, once inhabiting there, left deliberately behind.
Page after page, a carousel of abandoned or accidental symbols, of dreams cropped from a broader vision is delivered to the brain, which is supposed to edit and reassemble them into full narrative frameworks. Readers turn into spies collecting evidences of the impenetrable shelter of meaning. They may even find themselves connected to peripheral cameras, recording the relentless brain activities on the verge of dreaming.
Under a different perspective, the storytelling approach of this book convincingly relies on a cornerstone of asemic practice: however paradoxical it may seem, the intrinsic coherence of asemicism generates meaningfulness while stimulating the aptitude of readers to scan symbols in a meaningful way.
Asemic works act as blank tapes, simultaneously activated, recorded and erased again while watched. Each reader is, as such, an accomplice of the writer and possibly its desired alter ego.
A mirror is not an image in itself, but it has the property of imaging, likewise each asemic text does not exhibit a meaning of its own, but it is some sort of filter, capable of simulating and stimulating meaningfulness, engaging the reader into this unprecedented task.
- Federico Federici
Click here for Works & Interviews:
Sunday, August 12, 2018
Saturday, August 11, 2018
2 Great New Asemic Writing / Poem Brut Books by Steven J. Fowler
Aletta Ocean's Alphabet Empire (Hesterglock Press, 2017), & I Fear My Best Work Behind Me. (Stranger Press, 2017), are two great works of asemic handwriting from author SJ Fowler (Steven J. Fowler).
Aletta Ocean's Alphabet Empire is the more unreadable of the two. It contains mostly black and white asemic writing with the occasional "Picasso blue" page of asemic script. The art/writing has a storm like quality to it with asemic lightning bolts cutting across the surface of the folios. Other pages seem to contain illegible asemic animal tracks, and still others remind me of Morse code birch bark dashes. This book's main focus and general theme is the raw erotic power of creation of an excelled asemic mythology. AOAE is presented in a fine hardcover volume by Hesterglock Press and is limited to 40 copies.
I Fear My Best Work Behind Me is the slightly more legible of the two and is more colourful than Aletta. It has a spring-like playfulness and joy bringing qualities that makes me think of an asemic Kenneth Patchen crossed with finger painted art. There are a few more recognizable drolleries such as a deer's head and a crab, and the skulls on the cover art, but most of the text/art is nebulous. Fowler has acknowledged the influence of Christian Dotremont and Henri Michaux in this book, but from these predecessors he has developed his own original calligraphic style and signature. The publisher Stranger Press has taken Steven's work and made an admirable codex which I will treasure.
Both works offer an excellent introduction to Steven J. Fowler's personal raw art poetry. This is Poem Brut in its finest form, a term I believe coined by Steven to describe the outsider poetry not created with a computer. It is refreshing to read/hold these handwritten books since they offer a respite and rest from today's bloated techno-culture. Asemic books are the ultimate captcha and prove we are not robots. It is invigorating to read through these two works in a time when everything is being digitized, to have these two beautiful works of resistance now is essential. Find these books and you will know. | | || | newsletter sign-up
Friday, August 10, 2018
100 Hybrids by Jefferson Hansen is available now in the shop at Minnesota Center for Book Arts & Eat My Words Bookstore here in Minneapolis!
Jeff and I dropped off some copies of his new book 100 Hybrids at Minnesota Center for Book Arts today. We also dropped off copies at Eat My Words bookshop here in NE Minneapolis. These are the only 2 physical bookshops currently offering Jeff's book at the moment. 100 Hybrids is available for $12 at these 2 locations. So if you are local, or are visiting Minneapolis, these are 2 great bookstores to support where you can find Jeff's book while browsing the shelves. Next month, on Saturday September 22 at 6pm at Boneshaker books (another great local shop here in Minneapolis), there will be a poetry reading/asemic writing hybrid event and book release party for 100 Hybrids. More details of the reading will be coming soon. All Post-Asemic Press titles are currently available at MCBA. Jeff's book is the only PAP title at Eat My Words.
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Sunday, August 5, 2018
The Quietry by Sam Roxas-Chua
Here is Sam's website:
And here is his latest book of asemic writing Echolalia In Script.
And here is his latest book of asemic writing Echolalia In Script.
Saturday, August 4, 2018
Friday, August 3, 2018
Thursday, August 2, 2018
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Women Asemic Writers Summer 2018 Exhibit is now online!
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Your elegant prose – My scattered thoughts by Lucinda Sherlock |
Click here to view the exhibit:
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