Sunday, September 27, 2020

Variations From The Lost Nabatean Anarchist Handbook by Kenneth R Windsor


I am a typographer/designer by training but have worked most of my career in strategy and communications, mostly in Europe and the Middle East. About seven years when I returned to the US, I started what became an all-consuming project (not my day job:-) to “invent” another alphabet which I would then use to “typeset” a manuscript of "The Lost Nabatean Anarchist Handbook”). Given my experience in the Middle East, you can see that my influences came from Western Semitic (and other scripts). 

I was not familiar with asemics then, but now realize that in some respects this falls squarely within that zone. When I reached about 1000 characters, I realized I would not have the capacity to digitize and turn this work into a “font”, so I started evolving the work the work into “pages”, ideographs and more. My body of work has expanded considerably over the past few years and now, thanks to the pandemic:-@, I am dedicating more time to evolving this language/art/ideograms beyond just black and white typographic-like forms. …Hence my interest in seeing who else is doing crazy stuff like this…

1 comment:

HannahEva said...

This is beautiful. I thoroughly enjoyed your art.