This weblog explores asemic writing in relation to post-literate culture
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Monday, February 27, 2017
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Asemic Tech opens February 28th 7:30 pm at Punt Multimedia in Barcelona Spain
La escritura Asemic es muda, abstracta, e ilegible. Asemic significa no tener un contenido semántico específico, o sea que es una escritura sin un significado definido. Es una visión estilística de la escritura, que no se puede leer, sino observar.
Cualquier tecnología sirve para hacer Asemic: un palo en la tierra, una pluma en la mano, una tableta gráfica, inteligencia artificial…
Esa forma de arte antigua ha tenido una explosión de popularidad gracias a sitios web (asemic Magazine, Facebook, Tumblr, The new Post-Literate,…).
Artistas / Escritores usan internet para compartir sus obras entre ellos y con el mundo, y forman juntos una comunidad próspera.
Esta exposición será una instantánea de obras Asemic que estén ligadas con la tecnología digital.
Peterson Ruiz
Hâle & Gökhan Turhan
Rachel Minshull
Phil Openshaw
Cecelia Chapman
Dona Mayoora
Axel Calatayud
Roland Buckingham-Hsiao
Federico Federici
Nico Vassilakis
Tatiana Roumelioti
Michel Audouard
John McConnochie
Rob Grant
Laura Ortiz
Satu Kaikkonen
Kaspar Ravel Asymetr
Marco Giovenale
Maria Grazia
Francesco Aprile
Comisariada por:
Michael Jacobson
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Asemic Translations: March 25th 2017 at Minnesota Center for Book Arts & co-sponsored by Rain Taxi
Saturday, March 25, 2017, 7:00 pm
Minnesota Center for Book Arts
1011 S Washington Ave, Minneapolis
Asemic writing is a wordless semantic form that often has the appearance of abstract calligraphy; it allows writers to present visual narratives that move beyond language and are open to interpretation, relying on the viewer for context and meaning. For this unique event — held in conjunction with the MCBA exhibition “Asemic Writing: Offline & In the Gallery,” the first large-scale exhibition of asemic art in the United States—various poets and scholars will “translate” asemic texts into performative works. Presenters include John M. Bennett, C. Mehrl Bennett, exhibition curator Michael Jacobson, and others to be announced, with a musical performance by Ghostband.
This event is free and open to the public, and is presented by Rain Taxi and the Minnesota Center for Book Arts. We hope to see you there!
Minnesota Center for Book Arts
1011 S Washington Ave, Minneapolis
Asemic writing is a wordless semantic form that often has the appearance of abstract calligraphy; it allows writers to present visual narratives that move beyond language and are open to interpretation, relying on the viewer for context and meaning. For this unique event — held in conjunction with the MCBA exhibition “Asemic Writing: Offline & In the Gallery,” the first large-scale exhibition of asemic art in the United States—various poets and scholars will “translate” asemic texts into performative works. Presenters include John M. Bennett, C. Mehrl Bennett, exhibition curator Michael Jacobson, and others to be announced, with a musical performance by Ghostband.
This event is free and open to the public, and is presented by Rain Taxi and the Minnesota Center for Book Arts. We hope to see you there!
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Monday, February 20, 2017
Aswrig: A new Facebook Gallery for Asemic Writing from Marco Giovenale
"I've created a new online asemic writing gallery/page. Aswrig is here: .
It's not open to submissions: it only --quickly-- reblogs stuff posted here and there on the net and in facebook groups.
It's a simple fb gallery. not a site nor a mag. it's an independent and anarchic page.
a tour through the works: the gallery is open to all visitors, 24/7,
with no restrictions (no matter if you're logged in facebook or not)."

- Marco Giovenale
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Friday, February 17, 2017
Asemic Writing: Offline And In The Gallery: an Asemic Writing exhibit at Minnesota Center for Book Arts opens March 10th and runs till May 28th 2017
Featuring Asemic Writing & Book Art from: Tim Gaze, Rosaire Appel, Luigi Serafini, Carlos M. Luis, Israel F Haros Lopez, Paul A Toth, Alain Satié, Jose Parlá, John M. Bennett, Marco Giovenale, Cecil Touchon, Scott Helmes, Derek Beaulieu, Brion Gysin, Satu Kaikkonen, Cheryl Penn, Raymond Queneau, Logan K. Young, Steve McCaffery, Xu Bing, Geof Huth, Gene Kannenberg Jr., Christopher Skinner, Max Ernst, Timothy Ely, Charles Stein, Gazaliel, Lucinda Sherlock, Volodymyr Bilyk, Catherine M. Bennett, Henri Michaux, Spencer Selby, Jim Leftwich, Louise Tournay, Abdourahamane Diarra, Joe Maneri, Michael Jacobson, Robyn Ellenbogen, Donna Maria De Creeft, Marilyn R Rosenberg, Francesco Aprile, Bill Beamer, Nuno De Matos, Lynn Alexander, Tony Burhouse, Scott Ross, Axel Calatayud, Henry Denander, Jean-christophe Giacottino, Lin Tarczynski, Tom Cassidy, Ricky Brett, Edward Kulemin, Phil Openshaw, Kerri Pullo, Anneke Baeten, Benji Friedman, Laura Ortiz, John McConnochie, Kimm Kiriako, Sam Roxas Chua, Steven J Fowler, Tatiana Roumelioti, Ekaterina Samigulina & Yuli Ilyshchanska, Nico Vassilakis, mIEKAL aND, Eckhard Gerdes & Domonic Ward, the unknown author of The Voynich Manuscript, all the authors & artists in Asemic Magazine, everyone in John Moore William's asemic issue of The Bleed, & including everyone in Paul A. Toth's ALPHA BET A TEST: The Eye Am Eye Asemic Anthology: Language In The Act of Disappearing.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Monday, February 13, 2017
Sunday, February 12, 2017
#ThebeautyprojectMX by RETNA
#RETNA #MEXICO #cdmx #thebeautyprojectmx #cuauhtemoc @arturomizrahi @esthellaprovas @newoumarou #MADSOCIETYKINGS #LOSREYESDELASOCIEDADLOCA : @ironeyeretna
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Friday, February 10, 2017
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Monday, February 6, 2017
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Red Of Red by Gabriel Lalonde
" Red of red ", a score of works " Red " on paper in exhibition at the gallery on the left bank of namur, Belgium as of early February.
Poem of love / Born Red / 767
Acrylic, pencil / 43 x35 cm
Friday, February 3, 2017
Thursday, February 2, 2017
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
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