Monday, April 25, 2016

Asemic Shadow Portrait by A.Donnay

             Technique mixte sur carton toilé 40/50

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Collaborative Calligraphy Performance, 協同書法表演

Hei Bai Qie Art Space presents an art performance piece by Roland Buckingham-Hsiao and Chou, Cheng-Yu. Seated opposite each other as if playing chess, the two artists will collaborate in writing abstract (asemic) characters in seal script. The performance is designed as a collaborative game, with the artists taking turns to make strokes, one at a time, each responding to the developing composition from their own Eastern and Western perspectives. The idea for the performance grew from research into pictographic scripts, archaic proto-writing and hybrid calligraphic forms conducted by Roland Buckingham-Hsiao, a PhD research student at the University of Wolverhampton in the UK. After the performance the characters will be exhibited at NAMI Art Space in Taichung City until May 3rd and later in gallery space in Wolverhampton, England. Chou, Cheng-Yu is from Changhua City, Taiwan. He has made an in depth study of calligraphy and Chinese ink painting at Fong Yi Wen’s Studio in Changhua. Roland Buckingham-Hsiao is an inter-disciplinary artist from Canterbury, England. He has exhibited artwork widely in Europe and the USA, including at the Tate Gallery, London.


­下棋一般相對而坐,再協同使用篆書筆劃書寫下抽象文字(非語意)。此表演設計成“合作­遊戲”的方式進行。由兩位藝術家互相輪流,每次只書寫單一筆劃的方式在紙張上。由雙方­各自從東方和西方的角度書寫,協同發展出相對應的字符作品。這個表演由在英國伍爾弗漢­普頓大學進行博士研究的白羅蘭引導,構想則源自於對象形文字、遠古的類文字與各式書法­形式的研究而得。當天表演的字符作品隨後將在台中市西區華美西街一段175號2樓的N­AMI藝術空間展出至5 月3日,之後也會安排到英國的伍爾弗漢普頓畫廊展出。周政宇,來自台灣彰化市。在彰化­市馮依文畫室深度學習並研究書法與中國繪畫。白羅蘭,來自英國坎特伯雷的跨領域藝術家­。曾在歐洲和美國廣泛展出作品,包括了在倫敦泰特美術館。

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Untitled Asemic by Joseph Griffo

Lamp Black, Monochrome Series, oil on cotton duck, 34 x 34", 2016